I conducted Focus Group to get with a conclusion about how we as youth are affected by the video clips that shape our views or ideas about how beauty standards should be.
The questions I have raised were all about one singer who is well known in Morocco, the lebanies Nanci Ajram, and here are the questions:
The answers were very long so I would upload some participants answers
The questions I have raised were all about one singer who is well known in Morocco, the lebanies Nanci Ajram, and here are the questions:
1) Do you have any idea who is this singer? Where is she from? Is she married or not? When did she start singing?
2) If to say that this singer is beautiful, what are the beauty features in her face, body, hair and so?
3) Are you interested in her look\style? Are you inspired by the way she dress up and the way she apply her make up? Can you apply her taste line to yours ?
4) How does this singer affect your choice regarding the brands, bags, sunglasses, shoes, dresses, and so?
5) Do you wish to look like her in term of the face or body features? Are you ready to get some slight operations to look like her? Or would like to have a wife who looks like her and exhibt her beauty like her?
6) if you are having this singer as your beauty idol, is there something in your culture which is abandon or not accepted and you may change your mind about it at the time this singer apply it or do it?
7) Do you think the skin color has a role regarding being beautiful or not? How?
8) What makes one beautiful in your country?
The answers were very long so I would upload some participants answers
F.Z (female, 20 years, doing Communication studies)
Yes I know this singer and I like her to extant that I know all of her songs and video clips, I know also that she is having two daughters. She is the most beautiful woman in the Middle East I am sure I am not the only one who is telling you . What I like in this singer is that she is not like the other stars who change their look often, she is having her simple cute look since she started singing so we can say that it was for 7 years, and if she is changing something on her look she would do that slightly like just changing the hair color and keeping it long as she used to. I like her body though she gave birth twice but still her body is slim and healthier, I like also how she takes care of her baby skin, she is awesome. Since I am wearing scarf, I am not inspired by her look 100% but I am trying to do so with some features like the way she applies the eyeliner and the smooth rich lipstick color and since I saw her ad for some cosmetic product I couldn’t resist, I have bought that product hoping I can get the result she pointed at. But speaking about the plastic surgery, I am trying to get as same as Nancy’s look but not face I cant see myself undergoing this kind of “craziness.” In my point of view, skin is the most important elements for beauty, and by this I mean the color of the skin which is white as Nancy’s color is beautiful even in Morocco we do consider white woman to be beautiful rather than the fair or the black. If the girls in Morocco are similar to Nancy, definitely they will be conceived as beautiful.
H. A. (Male 23years, Human Resources Development):
Nancy Ajram as I believe symbolize the real beauty, she is simple but beautiful I would like to have a wife or a girlfriend as her beauty, in Morocco we do believe that white skin girl with long straight hair is beautiful and I agree with that but for nowadays we can forget about the long hair because it doesn’t highly affect the girl beauty. Nancy’s hair is dark and short but more attractive than the long hair, I can’t stop look at her skinny fully body. I am not addicted or inspired by the ads she is presenting since almost all of them are related to females, still I can realize the products she is presents. In morocco, we do have beauty standers as same as Lebanon especially regarding the fully attractive body, but we might not do so with the skin as they prefer the fair or tan skins which I don’t find it attractive. I also may say that Nancy personality fits with her physical beauty and those two elements are complementary to each other, and I am sure that I won’t have beautiful girl with a poor or ugly personality. I have no problem to ask my wife to undergo plastic surgery to be beautiful as Nancy especially if she is aging, nowadays everything is possible so I won’t bother myself being with a girl whose nose or lips doesn’t attract me.
Ashraf B. (Male 19 years, Finance):
I don’t find Nancy Ajram beautiful as other thinks, being white with long hair aren’t the beauty standers, I might have different opinion about the standards because I am originally from the sub sahara in Morocco and their the way we see beauty completely differs than in other Moroccans cities, I do not want to have a wife that looks like Nancy, she has nothing to do with beauty. I mean Nancy as singer is popular and I like to listen to her, I think her personality is what makes her beautiful in people’s eyes. Beauty as I see is having huge body, yellow or brown skin, big eyes and short hair, this is how we see beauty in Sahara. Nancy’s are very small you hardly can see them, in addition to that she underwent various surgeries you cannot know her if you have seen her before. Beauty differs from one to one but here in Morocco (exclude my region) people and especially boys would be attracted more to tall girls with white skin, dark hair, not skinny body, and full lips.
- L. B. (Female, 18 year, Business Administration)
I know who is Nancy Ajram and I used to go to see her in the festivals she comes in Morocco, though I cant understand all of her songs still I like the rhythm and her music. I find Nancy acceptable not that beautiful, I mean I can give you some other singers who are more beautiful and attractive more than her. So personally, Nancy is having normal beauty that any girl can have. I am listening to her I like to watch her interviews and I find her personality is full of fun and maturity at the same time. Regarding her new looks they are all same I don’t find myself in her. I won’t deny that she is for guys attractive and sexy, may be because of her big breast no more than that.
Here is my conclusion & analysis:
All of the participants differ from each other; there are ages above twenty and below, they are from different schools and majors, different way of dressing up and applying makeup, and kind of different way of thinking. Regarding girls opinions, since they are quite different from each other’s ( Some were wearing scarf, others bit conservative, and other free), they had different way of expressing beauty and different way of being influenced by the popular singer style, still those girls had some common points about the beauty standards like having white clear skin, full body, dark hair, and simple way of having make up. However, boys also had different idea about the beauty standards regarding girls, and they all differ in one clear point which is the hair in term of the color and the length. Some of them preferred to have a girl friend or wife who is beautiful as same as the singer as she is attractive, and they all shared one point about the beauty which is the full body (big breasts and noticeable hips). So again beauty standards differ from person to other, but there are some common characteristics that form the beauty in a specific area. For the participants, they were ten (5 girls and 5 boys) I had collected their answers and there were some same ideas that’s why I have combined them through the answers. I have been choosing the common famous singer, I was planning to have more singers but they were not as known as Nancy among the participants, and introduced her four clips in which she had different new look. The last point I have noticed through this focus group is that girls and boys are open to change their minds about the beauty standards thanks to the media and stars, I had also told from all of them that their parents and old members in their family used to resist and stick to specific opinion about the beauty standards in Morocco but now with the series and TV shows, they can give up if not all some perception about this topic